19-inch Casino Slot Gaming Monitor
- 19-инчни екран за казино Ултра танак монитор за игре са 10 прстију Мулти Тоуцх
- Високо осветљење: екран казина, монитор за казино игре
- Патентирани ИП65 предњи део са силиконском заптивком
- Третман против одсјаја (хемијско гравирање)
- Ојачано покровно стакло
- Капацитивни додир са 10 прстију и више додира
- Градијентна ЛЕД светла окружују екран
- Прикључак на шрафове за груба окружења
- Панел осетљив на додир Компатибилан са 3М/ЕЛО
- Подршка Пот О Голд /ВМС/ ИГТ игри

The high resolution support (e.g. 768p, 1920×1200 pixels) of these wintouch touch devices make them the perfect choice for a wide variety of applications including POS systems, as control panels in industrial fields, in kiosk systems, for office/residence automation and many other areas.
The projected 10-point capacitive touch panel is accurate and responsive. The touch function is quickly established when connected via USB port. wintouch includes touchscreen drivers for popular Microsoft (CE, WinXP, Vista, Win 7, Win 8, Win 10), Mac, Android and Linux
operating systems.

Capacitive Touch Monitor series has a modern sleek look with its flat edge to edge glass front panels, and a patented silicone rubberized seal making the front panels IP65 water- and dust proof.
This new series comes with capacitive 10-finger multitouch, glass front reaching MosH 7, the glass surface can anti glare treated (chemical etched), a wide variety of connectors including USB-B for touch, HDMI, DVI-D, VGA and audio inputs, all lockable including the DC-IN. Each capacitive Touch Monitor has an A+ industrial LCD panel backed by wintouch’s 100% no dead pixel guarantee. Each monitor comes with its own desktop stand, and screw patterns on the back for VESA 75 or 100 mounts.